My Birthday Present from James

My birthday was in May, so this is a late post. Well, so was the present.

I started guessing what it was when he told me it’d be late…. So, I began at the beginning: “Is it made of plant material?” “No” “Is it made of plastic?” “No” “Is it made of fabric?” “No” “Is it made of concrete?” “No” “Is it made of glass?” “No” “Is it made of wood?” “No”

You get the idea. And I apparently didn’t guess it, so we didn’t go any farther than that. And he loved that I was guessing, AND not getting it.

It arrived in two BIG boxes. And, the present he got me was very unusual and deserves a post of its own.

So, here it is, my very own garden zombie. (It’s gonna be SO KEWL when the moss starts growing in weird places on it. :D) I named him Christian. (If it’s not obvious why, ask me in an email. 😉 )

Garden Zombie

8 Responses to “My Birthday Present from James”

  1. molossus, whose life imitates doodles Says:

    Lol! A garden zombie! Well, I’d rather have those than those awful gnomes! (But if I were you, I’d sleep with the windows nailed shut).

    • merannicuill Says:

      You’re my staunch supporter and only commenter… I should give you something special for that 😉 I know! I’ll put you on my blogroll! (you must have read it the INSTANT I posted it! :D)

  2. Ann Pierson D'Angelo Says:

    HOLY CRAP! Meran! I covet your garden zombie!!!

  3. Amy L Sargent Says:

    this is WONDERFUL. my hubs and i actually covet this very zombie very much. it’s lovely–you’re a lucky birthday girl!

  4. James Schrecengost Says:

    Actually, I THOUGHT it was made of concrete, and that was the one material she didn’t guess. When it arrived, I noted that it was not concrete, and that she might have guessed the material correctly.

  5. Vincent's hippie chick Says:

    There’s something decidedly unquieting about the wire fencing around him/her. Truly a deliciously demented addition to your garden. Hope it’s not out front, or if it is, that your neighbors aren’t like mine, who take anything I put in my garden beds home to THEIRs. Grrr…

    • merannicuill Says:

      Well, we ARE out in the countryside.. on a deadend road. Out here, everyone would probably think it’s creepy 😉
      I get many compliments on him from friends though. LOL

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